Legal mentions


The website is owned by the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller, a foundation recognized for public utility since 1987.

The Fondation Bettencourt Schueller is also the owner of the Intelligence de la Main® trademark.

The management of the website is provided by the Association Les Lauréats de l'Intelligence de la Main®, association loi 1901 created in 2018 to bring together the winners of the Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l'Intelligence de la Main® awarded by the Foundation.

Headquarters: 55 boulevard de Magenta 75010 Paris

Contact :


Website: Everywhere Anytime

Art Direction: DUODUO

Development: Digi-tales


The website is hosted by Shopify Inc.

Headquarters: 126 York St. Ottawa, ON KIN 5T5, Canada.