Collection L'Outil en Main®
The idea of L'Outil en Main was born in Troyes in 1987. The association was originally created by Marie-Pascale Ragueneau. The first experience started in Troyes in 1987. The workshops were initially led by Aspirants Compagnons, and then the idea of involving retired tradespeople was introduced. The founder was inspired by the philosophical work of Paul Feller, the initiator of the Troyes Museum, La Maison de l’Outil et de la Pensée Ouvrière. L'Outil en Main aims to introduce young people from the age of 9 to manual trades, craftsmanship, and heritage, including artistic trades. This introduction takes place in real workshops with real tools. It is guided by volunteers, skilled and passionate individuals, often retired. The young participants in the workshops get to discover different trades throughout the year and create their own handcrafted works.
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