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Atelier Lucile Viaud

Grande Verrière en Verre de Rouergue

Grande Verrière en Verre de Rouergue

Created on the occasion of the Siècle Soulages, the large glass canopy of Rouergue Glass was installed from June 28 to September 22, 2019 on the structure of the skylight of the Museum Denys Puech in Rodez. Work around the grain of glass, the work invited to contemplate the sky of Rouergue.

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Atelier Lucile Viaud

Lauréate de la récompense Dialogues du Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l'Intelligence de la Main® 2023

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Created in 2019, the Glass of Rouergue is formulated from «materials rescued» landscapes of Aveyron: sand of the Lot collected in 1976 in the hamlet of Montarnal, firewood ashes of the Truyère valley, snail shells entrusted by Thierry Ollitrault, a local helicopter operator. Its olive color takes you to the banks of the Lot, see the sand in the depths of the river.

Composed of 56 Rouergue glass paste plates assembled in a common drawing

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