The work of Roland Daraspe is based on creation, which involves multiple phases of drawing, certainty, doubt, research, and various failures. He knows that he must accept that before realizing the project he wants to be beautiful, superb, he will go through phases of austere work, deafening hammering day after day. The certainty of achieving it makes him overcome these repetitive, constraining aspects. For him, art is work, not a concept.
"Often doubt, and the pleasure of achieving it through work, one must dare."
He didn't think of himself as an artist, he just created over the years. The Ateliers d'art de France show was his reference and his training. The designers he met gave him the boost he needed to get there. Over the years, some fifteen of his creations have been acquired by the FNAC (Fond Nationale d'Art Contemporain) and various museums. Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Bx, Musée d'Aquitaine, Musée des tissus de Lyon, Musée Saint Madet, Musée Mandet de Riom (63).
Lauréat de la récompense Talents d’exception du Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l'Intelligence de la Main® 2006