Created in 2001, the Institut de Formation et de Recherche pour les Artisanats des Métaux (IFRAM) aims to unite professionals working in metal-related trades, and to help promote and safeguard their know-how. Awarded the "Pôle National d'Innovation" label in 2003, IFRAM strives to respond effectively to the concerns of professionals in the sector. The training courses organized by IFRAM are an essential pillar in the preservation of the metalworking professions. The biannual Fèvres trade show promotes these skills to the general public, helping to awaken vocations.
"Always be as close as possible to the professionals we support in order to accurately determine their needs in terms of training, supplies, influence or support."
The IFRAM aims to support professionals through difficult times by helping them to stay informed and obtain consumables, as well as to communicate more about metalworking trades, notably through the Fèvres magazine.
Lauréat de la récompense Parcours du Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l'Intelligence de la Main® 2019