Pascale Riberolles has worked as a stylist-colorist, designer, teacher, glassblower and ceramist. She synthesizes these diverse practices into an unclassifiable body of work on the borderline between artist's object, craftsman's object and art object, and today claims her work as the expression of contemporary decorative art.
"To live from my creations, without compromise, with my hands, materials and joy."
Pascale Riberolles' dishes and plates are one-of-a-kind pieces made in France in earthenware, richly decorated with ornamental motifs glazed in complex, tasty ranges, which will receive the glaze colors before the transparent glaze is applied. While it's a delight to wander among the many influences, the compositions are indeed the artist's elegant, timeless and unclassifiable expression.
Lauréate du Prix Liliane Bettencourt pout l’Intelligence de la Main® 2001 En savoir plus