Born in 1970 and trained at the École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq, he has devoted the last twenty years to creating masks for the stage: over three hundred masks created for some sixty theater, opera and musical comedy productions. In contact with a young generation of directors (notably Lionel Gonzalez, Sylvain Creuzevault, Leonor Canales, Karl Eberhard, Lionel Dray, Claire Dancoisne), he has multiplied his technical, aesthetic and stylistic experiments, seeking each time to find the best way to relate to the work, the process of creation and rehearsal. Convinced that the mask is a theatrical form that can only assert itself through a great diversity of approaches and proposals, he develops training modules whose main objective is to encourage the emergence of young creation.
"It was at the Jacques Lecoq school that I understood that the mask, its childish and tragic nature, would allow me to express my relationship to theater and the world. I went to Padua to learn leather mask-making techniques from the Sartori family: lines, plans, economy of effects. Even today, all these notions continue to be fundamental in my work, although my research has moved far away from the Commedia dell'arte"
Loïc Nebreda creates masks and puppets for numerous theater, opera and musical theater companies and productions, mainly in France and Belgium.
Lauréat de la récompense Talents d’exception du Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l'Intelligence de la Main® 2009 En savoir plus